sorted array
linear search - can speed up; we can end prematurely
binary search
search algorithm
why "Or n = 9"?
do not want OutOfArrayBounds exception
Dim name2Find As String
Dim n As Integer = -1
name2Find = txtName.Text.ToUpper
' start as pessimist
txtResult.Text = "Not found."
' for i = 0 to 9
' if nom(i) = name2Find then...
' next
For Each x in nom
if x = name2Find Then
txtResult.Text = "Found."
Elseif x = name2Find Then
exit for
' that was my version of linear search as found in book
Dim list1() As String = {"Al", "Carl", "Don", "Greg", "Jack"}
Dim list2() As String = {"Bob", "Carl", "Eric", "Greg", "Herb"}
to merge, I COULD first copy contents of both, and then sort
Bad idea!
do while ia <= Ubound(a) and ib <= Ubound(B)
if A(ia) <= B(ib) Then
C(ic) = A(ia)
ia+= 1
C(ic) = B(ib)
ib +=1
ic +=1
for ia = ia to Ubound(A)
C(ic) = A(ia)
ic += 1
for ib = ib to Ubound(B)
C(ic) = A(ib)
ic += 1
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