first sample test
1) b
2) b
3) d
4) c
5) not necessary, but (a)
6) c
7) d
8) d
9) B
10) b
11) wasn't covered, but it is called a recursive function
12) d
13) True
14) d
15) b
16) c
1) a logic error. shouldv'e used ReDim Preserve
2) a logic error. you can't swap if these are passed byval. change to byref
3) syntax error. should be Next, rather than End For
1) skip this. it won't be this high-level.
For I = 1 to 10
3) don't worry about it. but it would be a nested loop.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Final review
general format:
60 points of m/ch and short answer
40 points of programming (choose 4 of 5)
20 points of tracing
Tracing example:
from 6.1, q 5
focus on arrays and loops
a LITTLE on functions and subs
general knowledge from previous sections
review of second practice exam
1) c
2) c
3) b
4) b
5) a
6) d
2D arrays
Dim myVar(8, 8) As Double
81 slots
7.5 two dimensional arrays
7) a
8) c
9) c
10) c
11) c
12) a
Part III
1) Write a SubRoutine called NumbersInSequence that takes two integer parameters, I and J, and prints out all the numbers from I to J.
Sub NumbersInSequence(ByVal I as Integer, ByVal J as Integer)
For K = I to J
End Sub
Sub PrintUntilSeven(ByVal x() as Integer)
For i = 0 to UBound(x)
If x(i) = 7 Then
Exit For
End Sub
Sub PrintUntilSeven(ByVal x() as Integer)
For each t in x
If t = 7 Then
Exit For
End Sub
Sub PrintUntilSeven(ByVal x() as Integer)
i = 0
Do While x(i) <> 7
End Sub
Select Case letter
Case "A"
Case "B"
Case "C"
Case "D"
End Select
60 points of m/ch and short answer
40 points of programming (choose 4 of 5)
20 points of tracing
Tracing example:
from 6.1, q 5
focus on arrays and loops
a LITTLE on functions and subs
general knowledge from previous sections
review of second practice exam
1) c
2) c
3) b
4) b
5) a
6) d
2D arrays
Dim myVar(8, 8) As Double
81 slots
7.5 two dimensional arrays
7) a
8) c
9) c
10) c
11) c
12) a
Part III
1) Write a SubRoutine called NumbersInSequence that takes two integer parameters, I and J, and prints out all the numbers from I to J.
Sub NumbersInSequence(ByVal I as Integer, ByVal J as Integer)
For K = I to J
End Sub
Sub PrintUntilSeven(ByVal x() as Integer)
For i = 0 to UBound(x)
If x(i) = 7 Then
Exit For
End Sub
Sub PrintUntilSeven(ByVal x() as Integer)
For each t in x
If t = 7 Then
Exit For
End Sub
Sub PrintUntilSeven(ByVal x() as Integer)
i = 0
Do While x(i) <> 7
End Sub
Select Case letter
Case "A"
Case "B"
Case "C"
Case "D"
End Select
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
lecture notes
sorted array
linear search - can speed up; we can end prematurely
binary search
search algorithm
why "Or n = 9"?
do not want OutOfArrayBounds exception
Dim name2Find As String
Dim n As Integer = -1
name2Find = txtName.Text.ToUpper
' start as pessimist
txtResult.Text = "Not found."
' for i = 0 to 9
' if nom(i) = name2Find then...
' next
For Each x in nom
if x = name2Find Then
txtResult.Text = "Found."
Elseif x = name2Find Then
exit for
' that was my version of linear search as found in book
Dim list1() As String = {"Al", "Carl", "Don", "Greg", "Jack"}
Dim list2() As String = {"Bob", "Carl", "Eric", "Greg", "Herb"}
to merge, I COULD first copy contents of both, and then sort
Bad idea!
do while ia <= Ubound(a) and ib <= Ubound(B)
if A(ia) <= B(ib) Then
C(ic) = A(ia)
ia+= 1
C(ic) = B(ib)
ib +=1
ic +=1
for ia = ia to Ubound(A)
C(ic) = A(ia)
ic += 1
for ib = ib to Ubound(B)
C(ic) = A(ib)
ic += 1
linear search - can speed up; we can end prematurely
binary search
search algorithm
why "Or n = 9"?
do not want OutOfArrayBounds exception
Dim name2Find As String
Dim n As Integer = -1
name2Find = txtName.Text.ToUpper
' start as pessimist
txtResult.Text = "Not found."
' for i = 0 to 9
' if nom(i) = name2Find then...
' next
For Each x in nom
if x = name2Find Then
txtResult.Text = "Found."
Elseif x = name2Find Then
exit for
' that was my version of linear search as found in book
Dim list1() As String = {"Al", "Carl", "Don", "Greg", "Jack"}
Dim list2() As String = {"Bob", "Carl", "Eric", "Greg", "Herb"}
to merge, I COULD first copy contents of both, and then sort
Bad idea!
do while ia <= Ubound(a) and ib <= Ubound(B)
if A(ia) <= B(ib) Then
C(ic) = A(ia)
ia+= 1
C(ic) = B(ib)
ib +=1
ic +=1
for ia = ia to Ubound(A)
C(ic) = A(ia)
ic += 1
for ib = ib to Ubound(B)
C(ic) = A(ib)
ic += 1
Some sample exams
Monday, December 6, 2010
last time: redim
resize an array
using a for each loop
For Each letter in sentence.ToCharArray()
If (letter >= "A") And (letter <= "Z") Then
index = Asc(letter) - 65 'The ANSI value of "A"is 65
charCount(index) += 1
End If
how freq table might be useful
huffman trees
AN example of using freq tables
"If arrayOne() and arrayTwo() have been declared with the same data type, then the statement
arrayOne = arrayTwo
makes arrayOne() an exact duplicate of arrayTwo(). It will have the same size and contain the same information.
This comment is false. fixed in later versions of the book
so, how DO we copy an array?
two ways:
Dim a(4) As Integer = {6, 8, 2, -8, 0}
Dim b() as Integer
' i want to make b an exact duplicate of a
ReDim b(UBound(a))
For I = 0 to UBound(a)
b(i) = a(i)
b = a.Clone()
HW: arrays, creating and accessing
q 28, 32
resize an array
using a for each loop
For Each letter in sentence.ToCharArray()
If (letter >= "A") And (letter <= "Z") Then
index = Asc(letter) - 65 'The ANSI value of "A"is 65
charCount(index) += 1
End If
how freq table might be useful
huffman trees
AN example of using freq tables
"If arrayOne() and arrayTwo() have been declared with the same data type, then the statement
arrayOne = arrayTwo
makes arrayOne() an exact duplicate of arrayTwo(). It will have the same size and contain the same information.
This comment is false. fixed in later versions of the book
so, how DO we copy an array?
two ways:
Dim a(4) As Integer = {6, 8, 2, -8, 0}
Dim b() as Integer
' i want to make b an exact duplicate of a
ReDim b(UBound(a))
For I = 0 to UBound(a)
b(i) = a(i)
b = a.Clone()
HW: arrays, creating and accessing
q 28, 32
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
a collection
the "problem" with dealing with a collection as a bunch of separate variables.
1) unweildy
2) not easily changable to diff number of variable
Dim score(29) As Double
Dim student(29) As String
score(0) = 87
score(1) = 92
If you write programs involving large arrays
a good idea is to test using small arrays first
For i As Integer = 0 To 29
a new loop!
For Each x in score
we can make the array a class-level variable
and fill it in the Form_Load event
Dim teamName(3) As String = {"Packers", "Packers", "Jets", "Chiefs"}
often, we will use loops to iterate thru an array.
easier way: use for each loop
harder way: for i = 0 to whatever the upper bound is
problem: 29 is a "magic number". makes code hard to read. introduces errors. let us say i change to 60 students!
for i = 0 to UBound(scores)
scores(i) = 90
for i = 0 to scores.GetUpperBound(0)
scores(i) = 90
Dim scores() As Double
realize that scores, or any array, is a reference type
ReDim scores(29)
ReDim scores(n)
dynamic memory allocation
Dim scores(3) As Integer
scores(0) = 58
scores(1) = 78
scores(2) = 100
scores(3) = 98
ReDim scores(4)
' alternatively
ReDim Preserve scores(4)
will preserve the values
a collection
the "problem" with dealing with a collection as a bunch of separate variables.
1) unweildy
2) not easily changable to diff number of variable
Dim score(29) As Double
Dim student(29) As String
score(0) = 87
score(1) = 92
If you write programs involving large arrays
a good idea is to test using small arrays first
For i As Integer = 0 To 29
a new loop!
For Each x in score
we can make the array a class-level variable
and fill it in the Form_Load event
Dim teamName(3) As String = {"Packers", "Packers", "Jets", "Chiefs"}
often, we will use loops to iterate thru an array.
easier way: use for each loop
harder way: for i = 0 to whatever the upper bound is
problem: 29 is a "magic number". makes code hard to read. introduces errors. let us say i change to 60 students!
for i = 0 to UBound(scores)
scores(i) = 90
for i = 0 to scores.GetUpperBound(0)
scores(i) = 90
Dim scores() As Double
realize that scores, or any array, is a reference type
ReDim scores(29)
ReDim scores(n)
dynamic memory allocation
Dim scores(3) As Integer
scores(0) = 58
scores(1) = 78
scores(2) = 100
scores(3) = 98
ReDim scores(4)
' alternatively
ReDim Preserve scores(4)
will preserve the values
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